Rockton Connect Blog

How to Get Medical Products to Market Faster

Written by Shadi McFadden Tyson | May 5, 2020 3:00:00 PM

Medical supplies are a necessity – within our hospitals, the nurses’ office at our schools, and even the first aid kits in our medicine cabinets. That much, we know. But how do you adjust when suddenly the need for these materials is multiplied by ten, seemingly overnight? It’s a feat for even the leanest and most agile manufacturers, but especially those that may not be prepared with the appropriate planning and management systems. Here's how the right cloud ERP can help you get your products to market faster and easier by focusing on three, must-have features.

Personalized Processes

Things rarely stay the same. With landscapes and demand changing so rapidly, it’s a requirement to have an all-in-one cloud ERP solution tailored especially for you and designed to evolve with your unique business needs. Acumatica Cloud ERP software is designed in a modular way to give you the ultimate scalability, flexibility, and stress-free maintenance.

This level of personalization gives you the ability to provide insight and access to every stakeholder. It also allows you to streamline processes based on your business and your product among the unique dynamics present in the medical device industry. There’s no pressure to wiggle into a one-size-fits-all system (that may or may not have the tools you need). As a result, reporting is accurate and more meaningful; decision making is timely and impactful; and, customer relationships and profits are greatly improved.

Compliance Focused

Regulatory standards can hold up any manufacturing process, but that doesn’t mean that it should. Manufacturers know that regulatory compliance can be a pain to keep up with, yet they aren’t holding their ERP accountable to ease that burden. When the auditors come knocking, your management system should help you in providing the necessary reports and visibility without breaking a sweat. Acumatica Cloud ERP for medical device manufacturers features full traceability and audit trails so that you can track all versions, integrate with EDI applications, and simplify your compliance reporting. Now, you can get on with the rest of the show.

Quality and Control

There’s no need in getting to market faster if you aren’t shipping out a quality product. One way to ensure you’re doing just that is through product configuration and Acumatica’s Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) feature. You read that right – there’s an MRP within the Acumatica Cloud ERP, making it even easier for you to have a consolidated view of all inventory requirements and to forecast demands. With company-wide visibility and control of the manufacturing process, quickly flexing to increasing demand schedules and volumes is no longer out of reach. You’re able to handle whatever is thrown your way.

The world needs your products - let's get started.

To accomplish your mission, you’ll need an ERP that’s as flexible as the medical industry and society itself. One that won’t penalize you for the ebbs, flows, and unpredictability that comes with providing essentials for every man, woman, and child. Acumatica Cloud ERP for medical device manufacturing delivers on that flexibility, providing full integration, management of complex manufacturing and distribution models, and advanced planning and scheduling to set realistic delivery dates.

Rockton Connect can assist you in answering the tough questions and fine-tuning the implementation and on-boarding processes so that you can continue to focus on vital, day-to-day activities. We even developed a free evaluation checklist to help you weigh your options. You’re in the business of saving lives. And we couldn’t think of a better business to stand behind…