Rockton Connect Blog

Acumatica’s New Email Features in 2022 R2 Explained

Written by Angie Hinickle | Nov 16, 2023 5:06:00 PM

Acumatica has updated a few functionalities in email as well as added some new features to the 2022 R2 release. We’ve explained the two major updates below and how to use them:


You Can Now Send Out Emails Immediately

In older iterations of Acumatica, your outbound emails were sent out on a synced automation schedule set for a specific number of minutes. While you can still send out emails using an automation schedule, you can now select a feature that enables you to send them out immediately. While it’s typical to receive emails every few minutes, often, you want the email you are sending to go out immediately and not have to wait.  Acumatica users have been requesting this feature for a while; to enable this function, click “Send User Emails Immediately” in “Email Preferences.”


Introducing the Email Activity Side Panel

as The Email Generic Inquiries such as “Incoming” or “Sent” now enable you to access a side panel view that opens the bodies of individual emails. This allows you to view the body of the email rather than opening and closing each one individually to see what it says.  As you move through emails, they are marked as read so you can track the read status of emails and make it easier overall to manage emails. For customers who find this side panel functionality useful, filters can be modified or added to group specific emails accounts together such as your sales, or support inboxes.


Questions About These Changes to Your Acumatica Email?

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Rockton Connect. We’ve got answers!